But that snake continued to linger, so I decided to find out what was in store for this new year since my current one was a turning out to be one long roller coaster ride. Snakes have a tendency to instill fear, discomfort, mistrust. Images of slithering and sliminess come to mind for me as well. Could this be what the next year of life will be like? Surely not. If you think about it, a snake periodically sheds its skin. This inspires thoughts of change for me, opportunities for growth and new life.
"At the Temple of White Snakes in suburban Taiyuan county, director Lo Chin-shih presided over a glass-encased display of dozens of slithering snakes, replete with flashing pink tongues and slowly molting skin, a symbol of change, renewal and hope for a better future." Read More
The article also recommended wearing a monkey pendant around the neck because the monkey is the only animal who knows how to handle the snake. Perhaps I will be taking a trip to my local Chinese store (I do live in Nieuwemarkt, otherwise known as the Chinatown of Amsterdam, you know) to get outfitted with the appropriate neckwear.
While I do think that life is what you make of it, it's nice to know that there are some bright possibilities ahead for the new year of the snake.
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