Making the decision to attend an international teaching job fair is not something to be entered into lightly. In my opinion, when you decide to go to a job fair, you decide to take a job abroad. There are several different options in terms of the international teaching fairs, and they take place all over the world. One of the most popular organizations that hosts these fairs is International School Services (ISS). Before you can register for a fair, however, you must become a candidate which requires a fee of $185. Attending a fair will cost you an additional couple hundred dollars. You will also have to consider hotel and flight costs. I spent about $600 to become a candidate and attend the fair. Luckily, my sister lives in Boston so I didn't have hotel costs to contend with. ISS has already posted the fairs for the next recruiting season (2013-2014 school year), and they are in some great locations.
Nice, France, November 21
Atlanta, USA, December 2
Bangkok, Thailand, January 4
San Francisco, USA, February 10
Sometimes they will add a last chance fair that will not cost any additional registration fee like the one in Philadelphia starting on June 15. The problem with waiting for this one is that it is late in the season, and most of the good jobs are taken. There are very few schools represented, and it may not be worth the time or cost especially if you are a qualified candidate.
I opted for the Boston fair that took place at the beginning of February of 2012. While it is later in the season, it is the most highly attended of the season. This may not be true for 2013, so it is important to check the website often to see which schools will be recruiting. It is also important to note that these services prescreen candidates by requiring an online portfolio. This will consist of your resume/CV, letters of recommendation, personal statement, teaching qualifications which include transcripts and certificate. This allows recruiters to see your whole profile before they decide to meet with you. It's a good idea to get your profile completed early in order to maximize your time during the recruiting season.
There are many other fairs that other organizations and companies host, and they tend to run close together. If you play your cards right and plan ahead carefully you may be able to go to a couple different fairs within the same week. Many schools attend many different fairs, and it's a small world in international eduction. Be advised that each service charges their own fees and have their own requirements for attendance and registration.
Search Associates:
Kuala Lumpur (leadership fair) November
Johannesburg, South Africa, December
Melbourne, Australia, January
Bangkok, Thailand, January
Hong Kong, China, January
London, England, January
Toronto, Canada, January
Cambridge, USA, February
San Francisco, USA, February
Bangkok, Thailand, March
UNI- University of Northern Iowa:
This is one of the country's biggest fairs, but there is only one with limited spaces available. Registration begins at the end of November or the beginning of December.
Council of International Schools:
They host their fairs in London, and the next one will occur in January of 2013.
There are many other options for recruitment and other fairs to attend, but these are the most widely known.